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India Day Karlsruhe I Indien im Wandel – Chancen für die Zukunft / India Day Karlsruhe I India in Transition – Future Opportunities

8 months ago
Classical dance performance to commence the event

Classical dance performance to commence the event

Mr. Wolfgang Grenke, President of the IHK Karlsruhe welcoming the guests

Panel discussion - Mayor Dr. Frank Mentrup, Karlsruhe,Mayor Dietmar Späth,

Panel discussion – Mayor Dr. Frank Mentrup, Karlsruhe,Mayor Dietmar Späth, Baden-Baden and Mayor Cornelia Petzold-Schick, Bruchsal.

Company’s perspective

Why India? Company’s perspective! From L-R by Mr. Friedemann Edel, GMT Gummi-Metall-Technik, Mr. Patrick Seitz, Aluplast GmbH and Mr. Timur Kücük, Industrial Application Software – IAS 

netwoking event

Networking at the event


Picture source – by Monaz Desai


India Day Karlsruhe: India in Transition – Future Opportunities

The event began with a vibrant and energetic dance performance by two talented Indian classical dancers, setting a perfect tone for the day. Over 120 eager attendees gathered, welcomed warmly by Mr. Wolfgang Grenke, President of IHK Karlsruhe, and Dr. Florian Stegmann, Minister of State and Head of the State Chancellery, who expressed their gratitude to the guests.


The introductory round featured discussions by Mayor Dr. Frank Mentrup of Karlsruhe, Mayor Dietmar Späth of Baden-Baden, and Mayor Cornelia Petzold-Schick of Bruchsal.


Prof. Dr. Manuel Vermeer, Founder of the East Asia Institute Ludwigshafen, commenced the event with his presentation, “India – What do we Know!” He passionately covered various phases and intricate aspects of the relationship between the two nations, making the session both informative and enjoyable, leaving the audience engaged and inspired.


Mr. Dirk Matter, Director of the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce in Düsseldorf, followed with insights into Market Entry Strategies into India. He shared crucial information on the current economic and political situation in India, industry-specific business opportunities, and intercultural particularities.


Dr. Anamika Datta, AI Specialist and Tech Expert, then highlighted the essential role of technology in doing business with India. Her energetic address set the stage for Ms. Gabriele Borchard, Head of the Competence Center India at IHK Rhein-Neckar, who presented on “Exports to India and BIS Certification.” She provided actionable content, reinforcing key features necessary for doing business in India.


Attendees enjoyed a delicious Indian buffet, generously arranged by the organizers. The event continued with a high-level panel discussion moderated by Mr. Robert W. Huber, Chairman of the IHK Foreign Trade Committee. Panelists Mr. Friedemann Edel of GMT Gummi-Metall-Technik, Mr. Patrick Seitz of Aluplast GmbH, and Mr. Timur Kücük of Industrial Application Software (IAS) shared real-life case studies and positive customer outcomes from doing business in India.


Mr. Karsten Echle of Dr. Wamser + Batra GmbH provided a briefing on the laws and taxation system in India, followed by addresses from Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. They noted that India is now Germany’s second most important source of international students at the postgraduate level after China, particularly in engineering and information technology.


The final speaker, Mr. Walter J. Lindner, former German Ambassador to India and book author, captivated the audience with his thoughts on “The old West and the new South: What we should learn from India before it is too late.”


The event maintained high interest and enthusiasm throughout, concluding on a note of success and anticipation for future opportunities in India.