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German chancellor expected to visit India later this year

9 months ago
German chancellor

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After the his­to­ric vi­sit of Ger­man Chan­cellor Olaf Sc­holz to In­dia on Fe­bru­ary 25-26, 2023,he is once again likely to travel to India for intergovernmental consultation in the second half of 2024, said German Ambassador Philipp Ackermann.  The visit is to prepare a road map and to re-strengt­hen the economic ties bet­ween the two coun­tries. 

The German ambassador lauded India’s electoral process, terming it as a fantastic exercise and said the participation of voters is unbelievable. He admired the efforts of the electoral and election committee of India on how they meticulously handled the voting process. 


In the area of climate change and en­ergy, both nations are dedicated to fur­ther the ties un­der the Indo-Ger­man Green and Sus­tai­nable De­ve­lop­ment Part­nership. Se­cu­rity and de­fence coope­ra­tion is ano­ther area in which both countries have agreed to work to­ge­ther.

This announcement comes at a perfect time where the world’s largest democracy awaits its election results on the 4th of June 2024.