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German exports show a plus in three and a half years

10 months ago

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German exporters have started the new year with the strongest increase in sales since mid-2020. The companies delivered 6.3 percent more abroad in January than in the previous month, the Federal Statistical Office announced. Economists had only expected an increase of 1.5 percent.

Germany is the 3rd largest exporter worldwide, in addition to being the largest economy in Europe and the world’s 3th largest economy. The top 5 trading partners with Germany in 2023 were: China, the United States, the Netherlands, France and Poland. In 2022, Germany did the most trade with China, almost 299 billion euros worth of goods. 

On the basis of Germany export data and market research reports, it has been found that Germany’s top 10 exports in 2022 were Machinery (17.1%), Vehicles (15.3%), Electrical Machinery & Equipment (11.0%), Pharma Products (7.0%), Optical, Photographic, Medical Equipment (5.4%), Plastics & Articles (4.3%), Articles of Iron & Steel (2.0%), Aircraft, Spacecraft & Parts (2.0%), Miscellaneous Chemical Products (1.9%) and Mineral Fuels & Oils (1.8%). 

Foreign trade results are also available on Dashboard Germany at (only in German). This data portal of the Federal Statistical Office combines up-to-date indicators from official statistics producers and other data providers on the topics of the economy, finance, health and mobility.

The portal also contains the Economic Pulse Monitor (Pulsmesser für die Wirtschaft) (only in German) tool for real-time economic monitoring.