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India is a must for the German economy!

11 months ago

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Introduction:  The dynamic growth of India’s economy is a great opportunity for Germany: as a production location, as a sales market and as a source of qualified employees.

Thanks to the extremely dynamic population development, the country will soon be the third largest economy in the world. India has been the most populous country since last year, with an above-average proportion of people of working age.

Added to this is a productivity development that, according to calculations by the investment bank Macquarie between 2007 and 2022, averaged 1.3 percent. This is much higher than in other emerging and developed countries. In Germany, the figure was 0.5 percent.

If you visit India, you see progress impressively, at the same time you can see the greatness of the challenge of developing a country of this dimension.

From a geopolitical point of view, it is crucial for Germany and the EU that India succeed in developing and this is done in cooperation with the West. From a company’s point of view, India is a great opportunity: as a production location, as a sales market and as a source of qualified employees. If you want to be successful in the future, there is no alternative to becoming active in India.